Album "Vivian Hsu - Vivi and..."

Vivian shows us that she can keep up with the demands of her fans, Ever heard about Vivan Hsu's "Love Unreservedly" album? If you haven't you better check that out too if your up for this album.

What's great about this album is that Vivian Hsu's R&B music is getting better, you can say so when you hear her song "So So". Not only is she doing great with R&B but also with her slower love songs, (track 2) "Mermaid" is truly amazing! She wrote the song herself and it's good, another good reason to get this album.

(Track 4) Nu Ren Tian Shi or in English "Woman Plans" has that same R&B style like in her Love Unreservedly album, a slow-ish R&B track that you'd definitely want to check out.

Other than improvements on her music, her collaborations played it's part in making this album even better. Her collab with Nicky Lee in So So, Gary Tsao in I Still belive, and I'm not quite sure if it's HanJin Tan (from the Invincible men, and the guys who collaborated with Edison Chen in his "Please Steal This Album) in (Track 6) Little Girl all amazed me.

Also with Jay Chou as the composer, you should probably have an idea of what magic this man puts into this album.

Recommended Tracks: 1 (So So) ,2 (Mermaid) ,4 (Woman Plans), 7 (lia dian Darling). Most of my recommended tracks are R&B since I'm not really that into slow songs but wait till you hear this for yourself and I'm sure your gonna like the ballads just as much or even more than I did.

I'm giving this album a 9 because Vivian sums up to my expectations, and even gives more that what I expected her to come out with. She should give praise to the artist whom she collaborated with for making her album even greater. The only downside I found in this album was that she didn't come out with more R&B or pop songs but I really liked the ballads.

I hope Vivian continues to progress in her next releases to come like she did in both "Love Unreservedly" and "Vivi and..."